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Winter Giving

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

Winter in New Hampshire

Baby, it's cold outside.

Winter in New Hampshire is incredibly beautiful. The mountains become frosted and the green pines that surround them shine with inner winter light.

It is wonderful for the eyes - but oh my, step outside, and it is darn chilly.

This morning I braved the cold, put on my parka, and did some prepping. My mother and I came up with an idea. We decided to start our own monthly "Donation Day". While we are happy that a portion of all Fischer Arts sales are donated to organizations working to preserve fragile ecosystems and protect wildlife, we decided to take some additional action to help our communities this winter.

On Donation Day, my mother and I will spend the day together delivering necessary items to the incredible people who care for animals and people in our area. For this month, we will be heading to the Upper Valley Humane Society and Listen Community Services. We are excited to deliver bags full of food, treats and toys.


A monthly Donation Day can be a contribution of time, or goods, or both. There are so many organizations out there that welcome help.

This winter, helping other's can have the added affect of warming the heart. What a wonderful gift.

We will keep you posted on all of our activities, and thank you for supporting Fischer Arts.

With gratitude,

Iris and Barbara

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