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This Week in Vermont...


I love coming to Fischer Arts in the morning. It is a bright, sunny, and relaxing space that I enjoy every time I am here.

This week I am even happier to be here - for the simple reason that there is heat and power - something I haven't had at home for three days now.

Yup. We got a whopper of a snowstorm in Southern Vermont.

And while it is gorgeous around here, that whopper-of-a-snowstorm actually knocked a power line into my very long, very snowy, driveway.

So, during the day I have been toasty and warm at the gallery, chatting with lovely customers and enjoying wifi and all sorts of nifty modern stuff... while my husband has been bringing buckets of water from our little creek to the house (mind you, while carefully avoiding the live electric wire that plunked itself down along the way).

Husband has been the veritable master of our power-less house; simultaneously keeping the woodstove roaring so that Mr. Pug and Ms. Pittie have a place to curl up and be warm - and still making sure we have enough creek water to keep basic needs in check.

At night I come home to a wood-stove-warmed house, two dogs radiating heat from said stove, and a kind husband who has managed to get me a glass of wine and snacks.

I mean, what else can a girl ask for?

All of this is to say, I am very grateful.

...For living in place of such natural beauty, regardless of the unpredictable nature of a residence deep in the woods. For the gallery, for my home, for my wonderful husband, two crazy dogs, family and friends who have reached out...

(and update: just got the text message that there is a crew of glorious Green Mountain Power People in my driveway as I type. For certain, I am grateful for them).

I am here in the gallery today getting all sorts of wonderful gifts ready for extended hours this week. And even though we are past the holiday shipping deadline for online orders, we still offer local pick up. Come by and see us during these hours:

Wishing everyone a truly wonderful holiday season.

With love and gratitude,

Iris and Gavin

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