I was away for two weeks for work. Two weeks doesn't really seem like a long time, right?
But, heck... during that time, my husband and I managed to sell our house in New Hampshire. We found ourselves suddenly (and I mean suddenly) preparing for a move to Vermont.
It serves as a perfect example of the speed-of-light changes this family has seen over the past year.
I got off the plane after a few weeks without much internet or phone service in remote Iceland, and there I was - preparing for another seismic shift; becoming a Vermonter.
It sounds like a lot of stress. Moving is monumental. And sure - three weeks to get our sh@% together was pretty terrifying to contemplate. I am happy to say that, thanks to serious elbow grease, and to incredibly supportive friends and family, we are on the other side. We have officially schlepped our lives a couple of hours West. The dust has settled, and it feels... great. Amazing, actually.
Yes, there has been a lot happening. Observers of this crazy family must think we are certifiable at this point, because every time we turn around, something new presents itself and we smile and say "sure thing, bring it on!"
Maybe we are a little nutty, but we are proud to embrace change. In our history, a lot of beauty has popped up from chaos.

For now, I have made a temporary home for Fischer Arts in a lovely open space that we are very lucky to have in Vermont. I am mentally adjusting, working on next steps and learning how to grow roots in this new place. I am also eating a ton of blueberries. Yes, blueberries. Our home has a whole bunch of blueberry bushes and I can't keep up. Truth be told, it feels like a metaphor for my life, because one of the hardest things over the past couple months has been finding time to keep up with the things I love the most. But, that's ok. Just like the blueberry bushes, I'm happily taking it one step/berry at a time.
We are here now, settling. It exciting to contemplate the next steps.

p.s. - if you want some blueberries, you are welcome to join the harvest.
Take a look at some of the work for sale at Fischer Arts, and more unique pieces coming soon!